Debt Burden Threatens American Families
“Last week, as most Americans were celebrating the holidays with family and friends, the Obama Administration announced plans to seek yet another debt ceiling increase in the New Year. While some fiscal conservatives will try to block this increase, their efforts are designed to fail thanks to the procedure set up by the last debt ceiling negotiations. Congress would have to pass a joint resolution opposing the increase, which the president could simply veto. Thus, an additional $1.2 trillion on top of our already unsustainable debt is a foregone conclusion. Our Gross Domestic Product continues to contract and now stands at $14.5 trillion. The debt already far exceeds that and will soon hit the new ceiling of $16.39 trillion…”
Click here to read the full article:
The Crisis Club
Monday, January 2, 2012
Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk: Debt Burden Threatens American Families
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk: The NDAA Repeals More Rights
The NDAA Repeals More Rights
“Little by little, in the name of fighting terrorism, our Bill of Rights is being repealed. The 4th amendment has been rendered toothless by the PATRIOT Act. No more can we truly feel secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects when now there is an exception that fits nearly any excuse for our government to search and seize our property. Of course, the vast majority of Americans may say “I’m not a terrorist, so I have no reason to worry.” However, innocent people are wrongly accused all the time. The Bill of Rights is there precisely because the founders wanted to set a very high bar for the government to overcome in order to deprive an individual of life or liberty. To lower that bar is to endanger everyone. When the bar is low enough to include political enemies, our descent into totalitarianism is virtually assured…”
Click here to read the full article:
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Might I suggest burning something prior to consumption - Mysterious Universe

Thomas P. Fusco employs a revolutionary approach to uncover the underlying cosmic matrix connecting contemporary physics, the human psyche, paranormal phenomena and long-established religious principles, then weaves it into an entirely new model of reality never before described that not only joins these disciplines into a single, greater system, but explains in plain English the enigmas of our time in a sensible, consistent and scientific way.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
PETA sends letter to White House press secretary for taking bestiality question ‘lightly’ OH THANK GOD!
On Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney fielded a question about bestiality during the daily press briefing:
Q: The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, "includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or beastiality." Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?
CARNEY: I don't have any comment on--I don't have any comment on that. Let me go to another question.
Q: Does the President believe this will be approved by all animal support groups, such as--
CARNEY: Let's get to something more serious.
On Tuesday, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) fired off a letter cautioning Carney not to take bestiality questions lightly.
You can read the full text of PETA's letter after the jump below:
December 6, 2011
Mr. Jay Carney
Press Secretary to the President
The White House
Dear Mr. Carney:
In watching last night's news briefing, we were upset to note that you flippantly addressed the recently approved repeal of the military ban on bestiality. With respect, this is no laughing matter. Our office has been flooded with calls from Americans who are upset that this ban has been repealed—and for good reason. As we outlined in the attached letter sent yesterday to the secretary of defense, animal abuse does not affect animals only—it is also a matter of public safety, as people who abuse animals very often go on to abuse human beings.
I hope that in the future, you will address important issues with sensitivity and not dismiss them with a joke.
Very truly yours,
Colleen O'Brien
Director of Communications
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Man Caught Having Sex with Donkey Claimed It Was a Shapeshifting Hooker
A Zimbabwean man was busted on Sunday at 4 a.m. penetrating a donkey tied to a tree in his backyard (with his penis). The man, 28-year-old Sunday Moyo, admitted to the court that it indeed must have looked bad — but hear him out! Because only a few hours earlier, the donkey was a human prostitute.
From New Zimbabwe:
"Your worship, I only came to know that I was being intimate with a donkey when I got arrested," [Sunday Moyo] began.
"I had hired a prostitute and paid US$20 for the service at Down Town night club and I don't know how she then became a donkey."
According to The Herald, he also claimed he was in love:
"I think I am also a donkey. I do not know what happened when I left the bar, but I am seriously in love with [the] donkey," [Moyo said.]
Moyo was charged with bestiality and ordered to undergo examination by two court psychiatrists. As for the donkey, she has mostly forgotten about the incident, and is currently eating a wormy apple. []
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
PBS documentary sheds light on marijuana’s cancer-killing properties
The cancer-killing properties of marijuana were the subject of discussion in a PBS documentary that aired this week to little media fanfare.
While using marijuana to kill cancer may sound like a wild claim to some, it struck Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti as a great idea. In his studies as professor of pathology and microbiology for the University of South Carolina, he tested synthetic cannabis drugs on cancer cells and developed a formula that was able to completely eradicate cancer cells in a test tube.
A follow-up on mice afflicted with cancer found that up to 30 percent in the test group completely rejected their disease, while others had their tumors significantly reduced. The same drug is now being tested on humans with Leukemia.
But it’s not just Dr. Nagarkatti who sees the medical value of marijuana: it’s the whole pharmaceutical industry. And that’s another point the documentary makes, examining the patents various companies have filed, and what they claim marijuana-based drugs could one day be used to treat.
The video below is just an excerpt from the full documentary, which originally aired in Montana amid a debate about repealing that state’s medical marijuana law. The full, nearly hour-long film is available to watch online for free.
This video is from PBS.