The NDAA Repeals More Rights
“Little by little, in the name of fighting terrorism, our Bill of Rights is being repealed. The 4th amendment has been rendered toothless by the PATRIOT Act. No more can we truly feel secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects when now there is an exception that fits nearly any excuse for our government to search and seize our property. Of course, the vast majority of Americans may say “I’m not a terrorist, so I have no reason to worry.” However, innocent people are wrongly accused all the time. The Bill of Rights is there precisely because the founders wanted to set a very high bar for the government to overcome in order to deprive an individual of life or liberty. To lower that bar is to endanger everyone. When the bar is low enough to include political enemies, our descent into totalitarianism is virtually assured…”
Click here to read the full article:
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk: The NDAA Repeals More Rights
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Might I suggest burning something prior to consumption - Mysterious Universe

Thomas P. Fusco employs a revolutionary approach to uncover the underlying cosmic matrix connecting contemporary physics, the human psyche, paranormal phenomena and long-established religious principles, then weaves it into an entirely new model of reality never before described that not only joins these disciplines into a single, greater system, but explains in plain English the enigmas of our time in a sensible, consistent and scientific way.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
PETA sends letter to White House press secretary for taking bestiality question ‘lightly’ OH THANK GOD!
On Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney fielded a question about bestiality during the daily press briefing:
Q: The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, "includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or beastiality." Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?
CARNEY: I don't have any comment on--I don't have any comment on that. Let me go to another question.
Q: Does the President believe this will be approved by all animal support groups, such as--
CARNEY: Let's get to something more serious.
On Tuesday, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) fired off a letter cautioning Carney not to take bestiality questions lightly.
You can read the full text of PETA's letter after the jump below:
December 6, 2011
Mr. Jay Carney
Press Secretary to the President
The White House
Dear Mr. Carney:
In watching last night's news briefing, we were upset to note that you flippantly addressed the recently approved repeal of the military ban on bestiality. With respect, this is no laughing matter. Our office has been flooded with calls from Americans who are upset that this ban has been repealed—and for good reason. As we outlined in the attached letter sent yesterday to the secretary of defense, animal abuse does not affect animals only—it is also a matter of public safety, as people who abuse animals very often go on to abuse human beings.
I hope that in the future, you will address important issues with sensitivity and not dismiss them with a joke.
Very truly yours,
Colleen O'Brien
Director of Communications
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Man Caught Having Sex with Donkey Claimed It Was a Shapeshifting Hooker
A Zimbabwean man was busted on Sunday at 4 a.m. penetrating a donkey tied to a tree in his backyard (with his penis). The man, 28-year-old Sunday Moyo, admitted to the court that it indeed must have looked bad — but hear him out! Because only a few hours earlier, the donkey was a human prostitute.
From New Zimbabwe:
"Your worship, I only came to know that I was being intimate with a donkey when I got arrested," [Sunday Moyo] began.
"I had hired a prostitute and paid US$20 for the service at Down Town night club and I don't know how she then became a donkey."
According to The Herald, he also claimed he was in love:
"I think I am also a donkey. I do not know what happened when I left the bar, but I am seriously in love with [the] donkey," [Moyo said.]
Moyo was charged with bestiality and ordered to undergo examination by two court psychiatrists. As for the donkey, she has mostly forgotten about the incident, and is currently eating a wormy apple. []
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
PBS documentary sheds light on marijuana’s cancer-killing properties
The cancer-killing properties of marijuana were the subject of discussion in a PBS documentary that aired this week to little media fanfare.
While using marijuana to kill cancer may sound like a wild claim to some, it struck Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti as a great idea. In his studies as professor of pathology and microbiology for the University of South Carolina, he tested synthetic cannabis drugs on cancer cells and developed a formula that was able to completely eradicate cancer cells in a test tube.
A follow-up on mice afflicted with cancer found that up to 30 percent in the test group completely rejected their disease, while others had their tumors significantly reduced. The same drug is now being tested on humans with Leukemia.
But it’s not just Dr. Nagarkatti who sees the medical value of marijuana: it’s the whole pharmaceutical industry. And that’s another point the documentary makes, examining the patents various companies have filed, and what they claim marijuana-based drugs could one day be used to treat.
The video below is just an excerpt from the full documentary, which originally aired in Montana amid a debate about repealing that state’s medical marijuana law. The full, nearly hour-long film is available to watch online for free.
This video is from PBS.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
This is probably not real, but it depicts an event that COULD be possible.... freaky - HOME VIDEO RECOVERED WIKILEAKS SCALAR WEAPON REAL FOOTAGE
Monday, July 11, 2011
HEY FED, TAKE NOTE! - Philadelphia Saves $2 Million By Not Prosecuting Pot Smokers - The Consumerist
Just over a year ago, the powers that be in Philadelphia effectively decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana by offering offenders the chance to enroll in a three-hour class that would expunge the offense from their records. Not only did this give Philadelphia police more time and energy to focus on more serious crimes, it has also saved the city a pretty sizable Ziploc bag of green stuff.
"We were spending thousands of dollars for when someone possessed $10 or $15 worth of weed," District Attorney Seth Williams tells the Philadelphia Daily News. "It just didn't make any sense."
Under the program, being caught with up to 30 grams of marijuana is no longer a misdemeanor but a summary offense. By simply paying $200 to attend the three-hour class on the ills of drug use and abuse, the arrestee's record is wiped clean of the offense.
Before this change, offenders faced up to $500 in fines and possible, though unlikely jail time. If the suspect fought the charges, this meant expenses for the city — prosecutors, judges, lab tests, public defenders, etc. By all but decriminalizing pot, Williams estimates that the city has saved $2 million in the last 12 months.
Additionally, police tell the News that there has been no noticeable impact on the quality of life in Philadelphia since the program went into effect.
Looking at the bigger picture, DA Williams says the current way most U.S. authorities treat drug possession is shortsighted.
"I can put someone in jail for 90 days because they possess crack. But if we don't get them the help they need for their addiction, when they get out of jail, they're just going to be a 90-day-older crack addict," he explains. "We have to treat drug addiction as a public-health problem, not just a criminal-justice problem."
D.A.: Philly's new pot policy just makes sense ... and saves dollars [Philadelphia Daily News]
Woman Faces Jail Time For Growing Veggies In Front Yard
Who knew a Victory Garden could have you facing defeat? A Michigan woman is looking at the prospect of 93 days in jail because she planted vegetables in planters in her front yard and refused to abide by the town elders' interpretation of the planning code, WJBX reports.
The town ordinance says that front yards have to be planted with "suitable, live, plant material." The woman feels it qualifies.
"It's definitely live. It's definitely plant. It's definitely material. We think it's suitable," she told FOX.
The city planners say that her garden doesn't count. "If you look at the definition of what suitable is in Webster's dictionary, it will say common," Oak Park City Planner Kevin Rulkowski told FOX. "So, if you look around and you look in any other community, what's common to a front yard is a nice, grass yard with beautiful trees and bushes and flowers."
However, in looking up "suitable" on, neither the word "common" nor any word approximating it appears in the definition.
First they gave her a wanring, then a ticket, and now she faces a misdemeanor for violating the City of Oak Park's planning code. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for July 26.
Obviously the thing to do is change around what is "common." All the neighbors in her area should show their support and start their own gardens in their front yards. If enough people join in, then the city will have to start going around fining people who only plant those "weird" grass and bushes in their yard.
Oak Park Woman Faces 93-Days in Jail For Planting Vegetable Garden [MyFOXDetroit] (Thanks to everyone who sent this in!)
Rob picked up on this the other day... here's more info.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
NEW DIALOGUE! | The Crisis Club Dialogue Part 4 - The Independence Day Spectacular! | The Crisis Club
1-708-CRISIS1 – Opinions & Thoughts welcomed
DIALOGUE #3 – The Independence Day Spectacular!
The following is a list of music that went into the production of this episode of The Crisis Club Dialogue:
- United States National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner)
- The Slouk – Juanitos
- Simply Bootieful – Ex-friendly
- I Don’t Wanna Live In The City No More (Live @ KEXP) – Whalebones
- Drive It Like You Stole It – The Glitch Mob
*Please Share! Thanks!*
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The White House LIVE
I'm going to amuse myself with this farcical display of fetted tweets... My prediction: Not a single honest to goodness question from a NON Clinton Techno Expert. Subsequently all BOGUS!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
HELP FUEL ILLEGAL WARS! - Clinton’s ‘Tech Camp’ Teaches Activists Web Savvy, Subversion

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. companies including Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) are teaming up to teach activists how to protect themselves from official harassment as they use social media to organize protests.
“We have to be willing to keep coming up with new ways of getting over, under, around and through the walls and other techniques that are used to prevent people from freely communicating,” Clinton said yesterday at a training session in Vilnius, Lithuania, for about 80 activists.
Clinton visited the training session, which her department calls “Tech Camp,” as part of a three-day trip to Hungary and Lithuania, where she attended a meeting of the Community of Democracies, a group of more than 100 nations that work to promote freedom.
Her broader goal has been to use the example of the protests sweeping the Middle East to reinforce the message that open government and Internet freedom benefit societies and economies the world over.
French President Nicholas Sarkozy’s technology adviser was there to coach participants, along with executives from San Francisco-based Twitter Inc., Palo Alto, California-based Facebook Inc., Microsoft and Luxembourg-based Skype Technologies SA.
Internet Freedom
Ensuring Internet freedom so activists can use social media sites such as Twitter to organize and communicate safely is “one of the highest priorities during my time as secretary of state,” Clinton said yesterday.
The State Department has spent about $50 million to teach activists how to circumvent firewalls and protect themselves in repressive nations, said an administration official who wasn’t authorized to speak on the record. The Vilnius technology camp is the third they’ve held since December 2010, after sessions in Santiago, Chile, and Jakarta, Indonesia.
The gray-paneled conference room where Clinton spoke was crowded with activists from 22 different countries, their chairs two rows deep along the walls in some places. Most were from Eastern Europe. The 20 trainers came from France, the U.S., Kenya and the UK.
Alec Ross, Clinton’s senior adviser for innovation, said one of the trainers’ goals is to teach activists to do their online work more securely. One activist said he attended the U.S.-backed technology camp in Lithuania to learn how to keep his group safe online when it uses social media to organize protests in Belarus. He requested anonymity because he heads an organization that hasn’t been officially registered, a crime punishable by six months to two years in jail in the Republic of Belarus.
Crushing Protests
Belarus President Alexandr Lukashenko has used force to crush post-election demonstrations that began in December and jailed seven of nine candidates who ran against him. Clinton, speaking in Vilnius today, said Lukashenko’s regime “brutally represses the human rights of its citizens.”
During the first of two eleven-hour days at the technology camp, the activist and his colleagues broke into groups to identify challenges.
Among the issues discussed were what to do when a government drowns out Twitter alerts with a flood of messages carrying a group’s special identifying mark, or “hashtag,” as Syria has done. Other questions raised were how to connect social activist groups within a country, how to create real-time maps of events during a crisis and how to communicate in a difficult environment.
On the second day, the groups worked on the problems and presented solutions they had found with their trainers.
Internet Companies
Ross said having Internet company representatives present allows them to understand the difficulties activists encounter on the ground.
“You can’t take for granted in San Francisco people are going to understand what to them might be low-level traffic over a hashtag, but which to people in a small country might be flooding a hashtag,” Ross said.
The group working on that question couldn’t find a good answer. In response, the Twitter representative said his company would work on ways to screen spam, Ross said.
Clinton met with civil society groups from Kenya to Cambodia during her trip, touted the ‘Tech Camp’ and announced help for non-profit groups threatened by their governments. Clinton also urged established democracies to assist countries such as Libya and Egypt that are trying to make the transition.
Tunisia, Moldova
Clinton praised the Community of Democracies’ new “Democracy Partnership Challenge.” That program will pair emerging democracies -- Tunisia and Moldova this year -- with more established ones to provide advice on issues such as holding elections and building an independent judiciary.
The Community of Democracies has also set up a “Lifeline” funding mechanism to help groups that are coming under pressure from their governments, she said. The $12 million dollar fund can be used to help activists who might be injured or jailed in the course of their work, said the administration official.
Clinton told the activists yesterday they were part of “a global movement” and urged them “to create solidarity with each other in order to maximize your impact.” As the two-day camp ended, one of the working groups announced they would gather e-mail addresses to test and share with their fellow participants new ways to get around Internet firewalls.
The Belorussian and a compatriot said the experience had given them a sense of comfort as they return to deal with what they called the daily threat of life and work in their country.
Friday, July 1, 2011
DIALOGUE #3 | The Crisis Club Dialogue Part 3 - The Analysis Paralysis | The Crisis Club
1-708-CRISIS1 – Opinions & Thoughts welcomedDIALOGUE #3 – The Analysis ParalysisHere are the music tracks that went into the production of what is The CRISIS CLUB DIALOGUE Prt.3:
- Prohibition Is A Failure (Live @ KEXP) – John Cohen and the Dust Busters
- Drug – White Denim
*Please Share! Thanks!Keywords: The Crisis Club Dialogues, The Crisis Club, Crisis Club, Episode #3, skeptic, conspiracy theory, Eric Thomas Podcast, 911 Conspiracy, Josh Carter
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Its PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING time! - First Ever National Emergency Alert Test Set for November

The US Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced last week they will conduct the first ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 pm eastern standard time.
The test may last up to three and a half minutes.
The EAS is a national alert and warning system established to enable the President of the United States to address the American public during emergencies. It is also used by NOAA's National Weather Service, governors and state and local emergency authorities for the issuance of more localized emergency alerts.
The nationwide test will involve broadcast radio and television stations, cable television, satellite radio and television services and wireline video service providers across all states and the territories of Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
"The upcoming national test is critical to ensuring that the EAS works as designed," said Jamie Barnett, Chief of the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. "As recent disasters here at home and in Japan have reminded us, a reliable and effective emergency alert and warning system is key to ensuring the public's safety during times of emergency. We look forward to working with FEMA in preparation for this important test."
In a blog post accompanying the announcement Barnett wrote, “For the test, FEMA will trigger the EAS 'cascade' architecture by transmitting the EAS code used for national level emergencies to the first level of broadcast stations in the national-level of the EAS, which in turn will rebroadcast the alert to the general public, as well as to the next level of EAS Participants monitoring them. This should continue through all levels of the system until the alert has been distributed throughout the entire county.
Barnett said that the FCC would be providing more details about the test in a subsequent notice. He added that the agencies chose that November date because hurricane season would be winding down, but winter not yet begun, with its associated “holiday rush.”
"A national test of our Emergency Alert System, with the vital communications support and involvement of participants, is a step towards ensuring that the alert and warning community is prepared to deliver critical information that can help save lives and protect property," said Damon Penn, FEMA's Assistant Administrator of National Continuity Programs.
Penn said "because there has never been an activation of the Emergency Alert System on a national level, FEMA views this test as an excellent opportunity to assess the readiness and effectiveness of the current system."
Penn noted that "it is important to remember that this is not a pass or fail test, but a chance to establish a baseline for making incremental improvements to the Emergency Alert System with ongoing and future testing. It is also important to remember that the Emergency Alert System is one of many tools in our communications toolbox, and we will continue to work on additional channels that can be a lifeline of information for people during an emergency."
The test will mark the culmination of a two years effort involving FEMA, the FCC and other federal partners, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, Emergency Alert System participants and other stakeholders.
Project Camelot's Elenin Round Table Event - UNIVERSALLY AWARE

On Nov 9th in the USA, FEMA is asking all broadcast owners to relinquish control of their TV
Stations and networks for a FEMA Homeland security test, could we say that this is all somehow
sychronised and we are being prepared for something that may not or may be taking place as this
small object crosses our stern? we wont know the answer to that until Nov8/9th but Richard finds
it very curious and worthy of attention and the fact that our attention is being diverted due
to hype on Elenin?
Did anyone happen to know about this?
Monday, June 27, 2011
TSA required cancer-stricken 95-year-old West Michigan woman to remove adult diaper |
A 95-year-old Barry County woman's ordeal with airport screening -- where a relative says security agents required her adult diaper be removed -- has become the latest in a string of national stories on frustrations with TSA procedures. (See video, below.)
Lena Reppert, a native of Barry County, was flying from Florida to move home to the Hastings area, where she's living with relatives who are caring for her, said her daughter, Jean Weber of Destin, Fla.
Instead of a getting a special goodbye moment with her cancer-stricken mother, Weber said the June 18 security check turned in a tearful ordeal because of the lengthy pat down by Transportation Security Administration agents.
View full sizeCourtesy photo/ Jean WeberLena Reppert, shown on a 2010 trip to New Orleans, has leukemia and her health has declined in the last year, said her daughter, Jean Weber.
"She was subjected to 45 minutes of searching, and I didn't think that should happen," Weber said this morning from her home in Destin.
She said TSA agents told her she had to remove her mother's adult diaper because they couldn't complete the screening. She said her mother has chronic lymphocytic leukemia and her health has declined significantly in the last year.
When Weber later complained to TSA, supervisors told her security procedures were followed properly and respectfully.
"I just felt like I was not satisfied with the answer i got from TSA. Then they need to change the procedures," Weber said. "If this is the way it's handled, it needs to be changed."
Weber wrote a letter to the editor to her local newspaper, which eventually led to coverage on CNN, AOL Travel, Huffington Post and other media.
"I understand following procedure," she said, noting her father was a police officer. "Certain things have to happen. But if my mother at 95 in a wheelchair causes extraordinary measures, it's a waste of the government's time and money."
"I believe in my country, but this TSA thing has gone too far," she said.
The TSA's response to Weber's complaint: "While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner. We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure."
Predictive Programming - How Would Nebraskans Be Affected By A Nuclear Plant Meltdown(Mar 17, 2011)
Hmmm more predictive programming from a old news report about how Nebraskans would be affect in case of a possible nuclear meltdown.
Michelle Obama, Elitist Vacationer

For a White House that’s supposed to be ‘transparent’ and all about leveling that famous playing field, Michelle Obama has officially become one of the most elitist, extravagant and expensive First Lady’s ever.
If you want advice about how to fly anywhere in the world first-class, all expenses paid (by um, YOU), you should give the White House a call. They’ve got this ‘let-them-eat-cake’ vacationing stuff down to a science.
Despite complaints last year when Michelle and most of her family and friends went on their ultra-expensive trip to Spain, she threw caution to the wind and took off again—without the president—this time in South Africa. They got to go on a safari, saw elephants, and were treated like royalty, which is exactly what she and Barack seem to be aiming for…
Sure, Michelle and her husband usually find time to fit in “work”, such as talking to people (which they could maybe do via telephone or, I don’t know, Skype?), but mostly they get to attend glitzy dinners, tour amazing places and all this without ever having to worry about being groped by TSA.
In fairness, the trip has been billed as an ‘official trip’ in which Mrs. Obama is supposedly trying to promote that most important issue, “listening to youth…” (Again, has anyone in the White House ever heard of live satellite feeds? It would be much less expensive, and if you turn up the volume I’m sure they could “listen to youth” just as easily as traveling halfway around the world…)
I think Laura Ingraham put it best when she said, “Did you elect Michelle Obama as an international youth coordinator? And is this really vital to America at a time of such great economic peril? This is another tax payer funded family vacation…The White House may call this an official visit; I call it an official waste of money.”
And speaking of cost, depending on whether you want the truth (Conservative media) or a lie (all others), reports are saying Michelle’s South Africa vacation is costing anywhere between $20 million to $100 million.
From “The United States is broke! We are borrowing 42 cents of every single dollar the Federal government spends. With the nation facing a true unemployment rate of about 16% or worse, as some 14-plus million Americans have lost their jobs since her husband..took office, was taking a vacation overseas a good idea?”
I don’t know about you, but my summer has been greatly affected by Obama’s economic bombing of America. Most of my family and friends are staying home this year, and so am I. But good for you, Michelle—glad you’re able to benefit from all our misfortunes and feel no remorse or shame in throwing it all in our faces so extravagantly…
So very EFFED up!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
DID YOU NOTICE??? - Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order - OR DID WEINERGATE PREOCCUPY OUR TIME AND "MEDIA"
President Obama signed his 86th executive order (13575) on June 9, which established the White House Rural Council (WHRC). According to The Blaze, the Executive Order seems to be in line with the United Nations radical Agenda 21, as it is designed “to begin taking control over almost all aspects of the lives of 16 percent of the American people.”
Evidence of this can be found in Section One of the Executive Order, which reads:
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.
As the Executive Order references “sustainable rural communities,” it raises a few eyebrows, since that is one of the key phrases found in the UN plan for sustainable development known as Agenda 21. The order admits that it intends to seize greater power over “food, fiber, and energy,” items that are key to human sustenance.
The mission and function of the White House Rural Council, according to the Executive Order, is as follows: “The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration’s engagement with rural communities.”
The order doesn't at all camouflage the levels of authority it will achieve. In order to reach the mission set out, the Executive Order states that the council will “make recommendations to the President, through the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and the Director of the National Economic Council, on streamlining and leveraging Federal investments in rural areas, where appropriate, to increase the impact of Federal dollars and create economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America.”
Analyzing the language of the document, The Blaze questions, “is there a hint that a ‘rural stimulus plan’ might be in the making? Will the Federal government start pumping money into farmlands under the guise of creating ‘economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America?’ ”
The order also states that the WHRC will “coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, healthcare providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America.”
In other words, the federal government will seemingly control every aspect of rural America.
The order’s mention of “nongovernmental organizations” (NGOs) should be disconcerting, as NGOs are unelected, often government-funded organizations that are key to Agenda 21.
Executive Order 13575 asserts that the WHRC will “coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas, and identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation-related activities.”
As observed by The Blaze, “When did outdoor recreation become a conservation-related activity?”
So who will be heading these opportunistic efforts? The following is a list of members who will be serving on the new council, which will be headed by Tom Vilsack, the current Secretary of Agriculture:
(1) the Department of the Treasury; Timothy Geithner
(2) the Department of Defense; Robert Gates
(3) the Department of Justice; Eric Holder
(4) the Department of the Interior; Ken Salazar
(5) the Department of Commerce; Gary Locke
(6) the Department of Labor; Hilda Solis
(7) the Department of Health and Human Services; Kathleen Sebelius
(8) the Department of Housing and Urban Development; Shaun Donovan
(9) the Department of Transportation; Ray LaHood
(10) the Department of Energy; Dr. Steven Chu
(11) the Department of Education; Arne Duncan
(12) the Department of Veterans Affairs; Eric Shinseki
(13) the Department of Homeland Security; Janet Napolitano
(14) the Environmental Protection Agency; Lisa Jackson
(15) the Federal Communications Commission; Michael Copps
(16) the Office of Management and Budget; Peter Orszag
(17) the Office of Science and Technology Policy; John Holdren
(18) the Office of National Drug Control Policy; R. Gil Kerlikowske
(19) the Council of Economic Advisers; Austan Goolsbee
(20) the Domestic Policy Council; Melody Barnes (former VP at Center for American Progress)
(21) the National Economic Council; Gene B. Sperling
(22) the Small Business Administration; Karen Mills
(23) the Council on Environmental Quality; Nancy Sutley
(24) the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; Valerie Jarrett
(25) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and such other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices as the President or Secretary of Agriculture may, from time to time, designate. Chris Lu (or virtually anyone to be designated by the 24 people named above).
The Blaze says of the list, “It appears that not a single department in the federal government has excluded from the new White House Rural Council, and the wild card option in number 25 gives the president and the agricultural secretary the option to designate anyone to serve on this powerful council.”
Even more notable than the levels of power being achieved by the creation of this new council is the various connections to Agenda 21.
For example, Valerie Jarrett served as a member on the board of the Local Initiatives Support Coalition (LISC), which uses the language of Agenda 21 and ICLEI [International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives] as their webpage descriptively explains the organization’s work to build “sustainable communities.”
Likewise, Melody Barnes is the former Vice President of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress. Soros is a prime advocate of Agenda 21 and in fact, his Open Society provided $2,147,415 to ICLEI.
Additionally, Hilda Solis and Nancy Sutley, through their environmental endeavors, appear to be connected to Agenda 21. In 2000, Solis received an award for her work on “Environmental Justice.” Sutley served on the Los Angeles Metropolitan Water District and supported the low-flow toilets, which are now being revealed as costing more money and creating an odor problem in the city of San Francisco.
Finally, the timing of the Executive Order is a bit suspicious, since the administration is meeting with a number of Agenda 21 operatives at the end of the month. ICLEI reports:
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI USA) and U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) today announced the launch of the National Press Club Leadership Speaker Seriesto be held on June 28. The event’s inaugural keynote speaker will be the Honorable Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), whose keynote address, The Road to Rio+20, will explain the role of key global and national stakeholders, and the impact and vision of this historic conference.
Fortunately, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the radical agenda being pushed by the U.N. and supported by this government, and have hosted a number of anti-ICLEI rallies this week, with more planned in the future.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
DIALOGUE #2 | The Crisis Club Dialogues | The Crisis Club
It would be SPAMMTASTIC if you’d PLEASE SHARE or tell a friend.
We’ll love you infinitely!
1-708-CRISIS1 – Opinions & Thoughts welcomedDIALOGUE #2 – The Sophomore Effort
Music Attributions:
*Please Share! Thanks!Keywords: The Crisis Club Dialogues, The Crisis Club, Crisis Club, Episode #2, Mr. Steve Jobs, Apple Campus, Police State, DOE Swat Team, Josh Carter, Liberty Restoration Project
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
HEY! WE KNOW THIS DUDE! CHECK IT! - Episode 40: Rob Hamper from Crisis Club teaches Eric about blogs - Eric Thomas Podcast
Episode 40: Rob Hamper from Crisis Club teaches Eric about blogs
Support Eric Thomas too!
Man Robs Bank for $1 To Receive Prison Healthcare | Death and Taxes
59 year-old Richard James Verone entered the RBC bank in Gastonia North Carolina June 9th and handed a female teller a note stating he was armed and robbing the bank for $1.
He then promptly sat down in the bank’s waiting area. “… I say, ‘I’ll be sitting right over here, on the chair, waiting for the police,’” Verone told reporters.
The police arrived, found him where he was waiting, unarmed. They then took him to jail, just as Verone intended.
While Verone’s $1 bank heist may sound like bizarre behavior, his motives were primary: he had a growth in his chest and two ruptured disks, and with no job or healthcare, was desperate for medical attention. He wanted to get to jail, and fast, for access to prison health care.
The story has a few clear political angles. For many, his fake heist poignantly proves the theory that the U.S. needs universal healthcare, and needs it fast.
Others may interpret the story as proof that Obama and his droogs have failed the economy, and as evidence that poor people should blame themselves for their situation and are constantly trying to game the system.
Verone seems aware, if subtly, of these political implications. “I’m sort of a logical person and that was my logic, what I came up with,” Verone told reporters from jail. “If it is called manipulation, then out of necessity because I need medical care, then I guess I am manipulating the courts to get medical care.”
To me, Verone’s $1 non-heist evidences two things: first, that people become resourceful and desperate when faced with their own physical survival. And second, that universal healthcare may actually cost less than alternatives.
Would North Carolina save money by just paying for Verone’s treatment? A state financed trial and a year in prison can be pricey. According to, North Carolina spends about $27,310 to keep one prisoner behind bars per year. That number likely increases when the prisoner needs urgent medical care.
This hypothetical question isn’t entirely practical: the state won’t offer Verone healthcare in place of prison, probably for fear it may encourage other desperate people to copy him.
But what if everyone who urgently needed care they can’t afford started robbing banks for $1 to spend a year in jail? And what if those who merely needed preventative care joined them?
How much would trials, plus prison, plus health care cost the country if all approximately 52 million uninsured citizens manipulated the system for survival the way Verone did?
52 Million people obviously won’t rob banks to spend a year in jail for medical treatment. But it’s worth noting that if they did, North Carolina’s per year cost for prisoners, would land us at a lowball estimate—excluding trial and extra medical costs—of almost $1.5 trillion.
Obama’s healthcare plan will cost an estimated $1 trillion per year for the next 10 years, and will lift millions out of life and death desperation. Healthcare is expensive, but healthcare and prison costs significantly more.
Military Equipment Positioning, No Fly Zones, And Troop Movements(Pics) :
The following TIP and photos were provided by a reader;
Over 100 train-cars with military equipment were part of this transport on May 1, 2011 in Otis Orchards, WA.
Monday, June 20, 2011
LOOKIE LOOKIE... ROBERT SURE GETS AROUND! - Episode 40: Rob Hamper from Crisis Club teaches Eric about blogs
Episode 40: Rob Hamper from Crisis Club teaches Eric about blogs
WELCOME TO THE CRISIS CLUB FORUMS! - This is the place to share some info or just get into a heated debate! ENJOY AND PLAY NICE!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Armageddon is nigh, but if you've got a spare $10K, Vivos will help you live through it
End of days before 2012?
US company offers protection
Would consider Australian shelters
THERE'S no shortage of wild-eyed alarmists running around with their watches set to Mayan time insisting that the end of the world is nigh.
But unfortunately for one dealer of extinction-proof shelters in the US, that's not converting to sales.
Robert Vicino says there's any number of ways in which humanity could be wiped out by the end of 2012 and has set up a company, Vivos, expressly aimed at helping those willing to pay to survive it.
The answer, Mr Vicino tells, is underground bunkers.
The expensive ones hold up to 250 people and give them some 50 square metres of personal space each.
They start at $US25,000 a share, but with time running out, Mr Vicino is offering a discount option.
If you've got $US10,000 to spare, you're guaranteed at least six months' safety in a less-cosy, yet just as Armageddon-proof, 30,000 square metre bunker, shared with 1000 people.
"What was previously perceived by many to be a survival solution only for the ‘elite’, is now affordable to virtually anyone wanting a ‘boarding pass’ into an impervious Vivos shelter to survive Armageddon, or whatever cataclysms may be ahead for our planet," he says.
Mr Vicino said about 10,000 shares in various bunkers had already been sold and that the cheaper option doesn't mean you'll be more at risk.
"Just shorter duration of supply for guaranteed autonomous sheltering before you need to return to the surface," he told
But with the shelters based in the central United States, when will you know it's time to make the trip and start your six- or 12-month stay?
Mr Vicino's first goal is to have one bunker open in time for the when the inbound Comet Elenin threatens Earth in the US autumn.
But he told members can come in "whenever there is an emergency need to do so".
"They own their respective shelter and can go there whenever a catastrophic risk is predicted, happening or in the aftermath. "They just can’t live or stay there for other personal reasons."
He offered these guidelines for various scenarios:
Comet Elenin – "We will have weeks to months of notice if it is going to have an impact on Earth."
Terrorism threats – "If the threat is real or specific to the area; or, if something happens in another area (e.g. dirty bomb in NYC), then it would be a good time to head to the shelter."
EMP – "That will likely come without notice, but you will have time to get to the shelter before society breaks down (3 to 7 days later)."
Solar flares – "Same as EMP, but the solar activity can be monitored and will give warnings."
Tsunami – "Typically a result of one of the above issues. Again, there should be warnings."
But he said it was important to remember that "nothing happens unexpectedly".
"Everything has an indication. We just have to observe the connections," he said.
"We will send out an alert, but they don’t have to wait if the threat is already known."
Vivos hopes to have a dozen shelters available all up, able to accommodate 6000 people - roughly one for every million on Earth.
He said two shelters were in their final stages and three more in the works.
As for the psychological implications of housing 1000 strangers underground for at least six months, Mr Vicino told that they were "better than trying to survive on the surface".
"If we are locked down in the shelter there is a reason for it," he said.
"We have psychiatrists, doctors, surgeons, nurses and medical experts (actual members) within each shelter to make the best of it."
And in case you were wondering, Mr Vicino believes the most likely end-of-days scenario will come from a solar flare.
And yes, he'd consider versions in Australia.
"If we get a critical mass of members – ready, willing and able to purchase their share(s) in a shelter," he said.
Friday, June 17, 2011
U.S. CHECKLIST OF COUNTRIES TO WAR WITH - General Wesley Clark explains US Invasion of Iran plans
Clip from Democracy Now with former US General Wesley Clark explaining the US Global Takeover of the Middle East
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Lone Star Watchdog: Why the Sovereign Citizen Movement is Feared. My Opinion of a Sheriff Issuing a Terror Alert.
Why is the Sovereign Citizens Movement viewed as such a threat? The reason is that these people in the movement are actually reading the law and doing their homework. They know the law better than the Police and many Lawyers. While many Law Enforcement Agencies eat up these lies handed down from these Federal agencies and the ADL like a hog going back to the feeding trough willingly every time without thought. The Sovereign Citizens Movement is countering the disinformation and exposing the fraud brought upon the people.
18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating
As the U.S. economy collapses, the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is going to begin to disappear. In fact, there are already an increasing number of signs that the collapse of society is accelerating. In cities such as Chicago, roving packs of young people are “mob robbing” local businesses, randomly assaulting tourists and shoppers and are even pulling people out of vehicles. This isn’t just happening in the “bad areas” anymore. Over the past couple of months this type of crime has been common in some of the wealthiest areas of Chicago. In fact, many Chicago residents are now referring to “the Magnificent Mile” as “the Mug Mile”. But it isn’t just in Chicago that this is happening. During this past Memorial Day weekend, cities all over the United States experienced a stunning wave of mass violence. We are supposed to be an “example” for the rest of the world, but as our economic wealth crumbles we are witnessing the collapse of society all around us. So what is going to happen when the economy gets even worse?
The United States used to be a fairly civilized society. But now very few people seem to care how they treat others. That is even the case with our own government. As you will see below, the government is now sending SWAT teams in and dragging people out of their homes over unpaid student loans.
So if the government is going to be so brutal, what kind of message does that send to our young people?
Today our young people are facing a future that looks incredibly bleak. It is hard to have faith in the “system” when the “system” simply does not work any longer.
What are you supposed to say to a young person when you know very well that there are no jobs and that there is very little hope?
Most Americans don’t understand what is causing the collapse of the economy, but most of them do have a sinking feeling that something has seriously gone wrong.
For the last few years the American people have waited patiently for our politicians to “fix things”, but they have not gotten the job done.
Instead, our economic situation is still declining.
So now frustration is starting to boil over, and it is only going to get worse.
The following are 18 signs that the collapse of society is accelerating….
#1 In a brand new article, Janet Tavakoli has vividly described the wave of shocking violence that is currently sweeping the city of Chicago. What she says is happening to Chicago right now is beyond alarming….
This year, all hell has broken loose in downtown Chicago. Years of under-hiring have resulted in a police force that is unprepared for wildings and gang violence. Moreover, concealed carry in Chicago is illegal, unless one follows the Constitution.
Tourists and residents have been attacked by mobs of youths on buses, on beaches, on bicycle paths, near the shops of the Magnificent Mile, and outside their homes. Mobs of shoplifters plagued “Mug Mile” stores.
Terror has descended on many of the wealthiest areas of Chicago. Some are even calling on Chicago residents to completely avoid areas like the Magnificent Mile during the weekends until more police are brought in.
Mobs of young people are “swarming” retail stores, assaulting shoppers and pedestrians and even pulling people out of their cars.
The following is one eyewitness account of the “wildings” in Chicago that Tavakoli included in her recent article….
At about 11pm last Friday night, June 3rd, I heard shouting, screaming, horns blaring and tires screeching from my apartment…When I looked out my window to the street below I saw a crowd of about 20 young people…directly across the street from the entrance to my building. They were leaning on parked cars and clogging the street. They were screaming at people walking and driving by. I watched them stop vehicles, including taxi cabs, and pull people from the vehicles…It was a frightening scene and I was sure someone was going to be hurt.
#2 If you don’t pay your student loans you may find yourself getting dragged out of your home by a SWAT team.
You doubt this?
The following is how an article in The Daily Mail recently described one recent SWAT team raid in California that was apparently ordered by the Department of Education….
A father was dragged from his home and handcuffed in front of his children by a SWAT team looking for his estranged wife – to collect her unpaid student loans.
A stunned Kenneth Wright had his front door kicked in by the raiding party at 6 am yesterday before being dragged onto his front porch, handcuffed and led to a police car with his three children.
He says he was then detained for six hours while officers looked for his wife – who no longer lives at the house.
#3 One town in Connecticut was forced to shut down a beautiful new fountain because too many people were using it as a toilet.
#4 This most recent Memorial Day weekend, cities all over America literally turned into war zones. There were reports of mass violence in Miami, New York, Chicago, Charlotte, Myrtle Beach, Nashville and Boston among other places.
If you want to see video of some of the violence in Miami as it was happening, you can view it here. The video is quite disturbing so please don’t let any small children view it.
#5 One of the hottest books in America right now is a “children’s book” entitled “Go The F*k To Sleep“.
#6 A teenage girl in Washington state recently shot her Dad with a hunting bow because he took away her cell phone.
#7 In New York City, one 32-year-old man was recently charged with sexually assaulting an 85-year-old woman.
#8 Democratic strategist James Carville recently made national headlines when he told talk show host Don Imus the following….
“You know, look — this is a humanitarian — you know, you’re smart enough to see this . . . People, you know, if it continues, we’re going to start to see civil unrest in this country. I hate to say that, but I think it’s imminently possible.”
#9 According to one new study, the percentage of U.S. households that contain a married couple with children has fallen from 44.3% in 1960 to 20.2% today.
#10 In Atlanta, two dozen teens recently violently assaulted two Delta flight attendants on a train for no apparent reason. The following is how a local Atlanta newspaper described the attacks….
Their “Clockwork Orange” style blitz was over soon after it began. The teens boarded the train, headed to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, at the Garnett station a little after midnight seemingly intent on instilling fear. They succeeded.
“There was blood everywhere, people were hollering and screaming,” a witness told Channel 2 Action News. “We were intimidated. People were terrified. People were trying to run. But there was nowhere to run.”
#11 Federal prosecutors in Indianapolis have announced that they have broken up one of the largest child pornography rings ever discovered. It was based in Bloomington, Indiana.
Are any small towns still safe?
#12 Barack Obama’s food safety chief is defending armed raids of raw milk producers (including a raid on an Amish farmer) and he says that the FDA will “keep doing our public health job“.
#13 In Florida, a 45-year-old Polk County sheriff’s deputy has been charged with strapping children to a desk and spanking them with sex toys.
#14 In Sioux City, Iowa a 41 year old man recently walked into the office where his boss worked and beat the living daylights out of him. The boss suffered four chipped teeth and needed surgery to repair his nose. Apparently the boss was planning to fire the man.
#15 A 20-year-old woman in Oklahoma has been charged with killing the family cat and using the blood as part of a costume she planned to wear to a Lady Gaga concert.
#16 McDonald’s recently held a “National Hiring Day” and about a million Americans showed up to apply for jobs at McDonald’s restaurants all around the nation. Well, in Cleveland a horrible fight broke out between some girls and it ended up with three people being run over by a car. You can view video of this incident right here. Please do not watch the video if you are sensitive to graphic violence.
#17 All over the United States, vicious restaurant brawls have been erupting with alarming frequency and many of them are being posted up on YouTube for the world to see. You can see one example of this phenomenon right here.
#18 From coast to coast, “mob robbing” has become a very disturbing trend.
So what is a “mob robbing”?
Well, basically dozens of young people storm into a store together, grab whatever they want, and storm back out again.
Recent examples of this have been caught on video in Washington D.C. and in Las Vegas.
So does anyone still doubt that we are starting to see the collapse of society?
Sadly, things are going to get a whole lot worse.
In response to a recent article entitled “The Coming Economic Hell For American Families“, a frequent commenter on my site known as “El Pollo De Oro” left the following comment about the collapse of society that is beginning to unfold….
Yes, it’s going to be VERY violent in The Banana Republic of America. Carjacking, kidnapping, drug trafficking, armed robbery and murder for hire will be major growth industries in the BRA when millions of formerly middle class Americans, now the neo-poor/neo-peasants, become increasingly desperate. The horrifying violence in Mexico will become a fact of life on this side of the border, the brutal kidnappings of the Philippines and Papua New Guinea will plague the BRA as well. Formerly middle class Americans who find themselves living in shantytown slums won’t like their new accommodations, and many of them will turn to violent crime in the hope of improving their miserable circumstances.
The truth is that about the only thing keeping our society together has been the unprecedented affluence that we have been enjoying over the past few decades.
Once that affluence is gone, the true character of the American people will come out, and we may not like what we see.
That is one reason why I pound on the economic crisis this nation is facing day after day. Once our wealth is gone, there is going to be chaos in the streets of America.
So what are you seeing in your area of the country? Do you see signs that the collapse of society is accelerating where you live? Please feel free to leave a comment with your opinion below….
NYC Police Ticket Two Women For Sitting In Park Without Kids
June 10, 2011 - 2 women in Brooklyn receive citations for sitting on playground bench to snack.
Ex Government Employee talks about CHEMTRAILS part 5/5
- The chemtrail program is also known as "Project Cloverleaf", and it is very compartmentalized. Even the pilots themselves have no real idea of why they are actually spraying.
- Chemtrails are a sub-program of the US Navy's Radio Frequency Mission Planner (RFMP) program called the Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) - a system for creating 3D battlefield imaging that the US military has been using in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Some of the chemtrail contents are biological in nature such as BCTP - an anti-anthrax inoculation that was tested on US populations
- Clifford Carnicom has identified many of the very harmful biologicals coming out of chemtrails.
- Chemtrails are also linked to SCALAR weaponry controlled by the Russians which operate on three distinct levels:
.....1. Energetics: destruction of aircraft; the Challenger; directed earthquakes, volcanic activity and hurricanes
.....2. Bio-energetics: affecting human health and energy
.....3. Psycho-energetics: mind control and behavior modification
- Scalar transmitters in Russia are controlled by their Federal Security Bureau (FSB)
- Scalar weaponry produce gravitational waves. There is nothing we can do to prevent this from happening. We are in a desperate time, and most of the people in the US are completely oblivious to what is happening, and are doing nothing because of political correctness.
- Israel has protected the US from Russian scalar attacks on many occasions.
- Mysterious sonic booms are caused by Russian interferometry affecting American air space. It is the same system that causes man-made earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and 'psycho-energetics.' They can take our cities down any time they want to. The only real deterrent is to take them out. (It is unclear whether Griffith meant 'taking out' the transmitters, or the deployment of 'Tesla domes' over US cities which he mentioned is the technology that was really created using money slated for an anti-missile defense shield.)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
It's Not Looking Good For the American People or the US Constitution
If you happened to be watching the Live CNN Polling the night of the debate, you may have noticed something odd about the results:
Are we really to believe Ron Paul polled at 0% after having won the CPAC straw poll decisively in February of 2011?
At the very same time CNN ran their “insider” poll showing Ron Paul at 0%, their online poll showed him at 81%. Granted, the online poll could be skewed and we can probably attribute a good portion of those online votes to alternative media readers who get most of their news on the internet, but 0% just doesn’t seem remotely plausible.
There is a concerted effort to diminish Dr. Paul’s standing among republican voters, as has been evidenced time and again by the way his policies and popularity are covered. The left-leaning mainstream media has already chosen their candidates with Mitt Romney leading the pack. As they did in 2008, the media is pushing the republican candidate with the most left-leaning platform of the group, and the one that can be attacked as non-conservative post-primary, just as they did with John McCain. We know how that ended up in the last election, and they’re using the same playbook today.
President Obama’s popularity may have tumbled in the last two years, but when it comes time to hit the voting booths he will still have a large amount of support nationwide. The third party movement – the real third party movement, which can just as easily be called the ‘No Party’ movement – is certainly not voting Obama. And, we’d be surprised to see them vote for a mainstream republican candidate as well this time around.
Mainstream media of the democrat persuasion, which includes CNN, NBC, CNBC, ABC, and CBS know that independently minded Constitutionally-leaning voters are apt to stay home and not vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’ this election. This bodes very well for President Obama, as the republican candidate will need these third party independents to swing the election, so eliminating any possibility of a truly faithful Constitutional candidate from emerging is the immediate goal of the mainstream media (including Fox News) for the next year – until the primaries.
For those who understand that the left and right political spectrum is a tool of tyranny, it’s easy to see that Mitt Romney is just another Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama. In the end, it really won’t matter all that much whether we have a second Obama Presidency, or a Romney Presidency, because neither one of these individuals will step up to stop the corruption in business and government, the looting of our wealth, and the attack on personal liberties in America.
To review, here’s what conventional education would have us believe is the political spectrum:
Here is the way it actually works:
The traditional left and right paradigm attempts to differentiate between the Republican and Democrat parties. The “True View” shows us that both parties are one and the same in terms of personal, political and economic freedom.
At this time, we remain pessimistic about the chances of a true view right leaning, or even centrist, candidate winning the White House in 2012. And, unless the appetites of third-party / no-party electorate are satiated with a Presidential, or even Vice-Presidential, candidate who they can trust, it is quite possible that President Obama rules (his words, not ours) for another term.
As frustrating, scary, damaging and pessimistic as that may sound, it is what it is. It is still early in the Presidential election cycle and there will certainly be trends and surprises that emerge over the next year and a half, so this assessment is certainly subject to change. But right now, it’s not looking good for the American people or the US Constitution.
Monday, June 13, 2011
OH SWEET! GOOD NEWS, ANOTHER WAR'S A COMIN' - Sen. Graham: ‘Very Close’ to Time to Attack Syria -- News from
Speaking today on CBS’ Face the Nation, Senator Lindsey Graham (R – SC) said “we are getting very close” to the time when the United States would attack Syria, and that “now is the time to let Assad know that all options are on the table.”
Graham cited the illegal war in Libya as a basis for the potential war in Syria, saying that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and Syria’s Bashar Assad are “indistinguishable” and that both wars make sense.
Graham had previously been involved in a joint statement calling on President Obama to demand Assad immediately resign. Graham was also an outspoken supporter of the attack on Libya, and indeed of the ongoing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Graham’s eye for new targets didn’t end with Syria, however. Later in the interview he also urged President Obama to “use more aggressive military force” against Pakistani territory, saying the nation is on “a collision course” with Pakistan.